Voice and influence in schools

How students with SEND in schools have a voice and influence.

The Voice, Influence and Change Team work in partnership with staff from schools across Leeds to provide opportunities for students with special educational needs and/or disabilities to have a voice and influence within the city.

Click here to download our voice and influence offer to schools. 

For further information about any of the programmes email VIC@leeds.gov.uk

Voice and Influence in Specialist Settings

Youth voice spotlights

The Youth Voice Spotlights are an opportunity to share good practice youth voice in our learning settings. 

Green Meadows Academy

Click here to download the spotlight visual

Opening: student council meeting (monthly).

Opportunity: Staff at Green Meadows work with the student council to agree what the school would like to focus on within the school and support them to develop campaigns.

Obligation: Child Friendly Leeds wish 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10.


  • Students have led assemblies to raise awareness of their culture and communities. The assemblies have given students a greater understanding of everyone’s differences and have given them a sense of belonging.
  • Students have created a poly tunnel and planted vegetables. The poly tunnel has given students a sense of achievement, and understanding of where food comes from.
  • During Autism Awareness month students led assemblies about autism and what it means to them. Students have a raised awareness of autism.

Ownership: Green Meadows Academy.

North East Primary AIP

Click here to download the spotlight visual.

Opening: six students.

Opportunity: Children took part in The Tree of Life activity. The children were asked a serious of questions for each area, over a period, and their responses were then transferred to the tree design.

Obligation: Child Friendly Leeds wish 3, 10 and 12.

Outcome: All the children a clearer understanding of themselves and their needs. Staff have a more detailed knowledge of the needs of the individuals and what areas of support is required. It has helped to develop and concrete the secure and safe relationships that the children have with staff have been.

Ownership: North East Primary AIP.

West AIP (secondary)

Click here to download the spotlight visual

Opening: individual pupil voice.

Opportunity: individual meetings with pupils during their time at the provision (beginning, middle and end)

Obligation: Child Friendly Leeds wish 3 and 10. 


  • Based on student feedback the following changes at West AIP have been made:
  • Changes in lunchtime meals as pupils stated they didn’t enjoy them. At West 11 pupils vote for their favourite dishes to have in the week.
  • At West 14 pupils wanted a rotation of meals so they had consistent dinners each week. This has now happened and communicated on a weekly menu
  • Pupils requested increased visits from their roll school. Frequency of visits is discussed with the home school during initial and review meetings.
  • Pupil passport evolved so pupils needs and strategies can be implemented at their roll school once transition is undertaken

Ownership: West AIP (secondary).

Springwell Academy Leeds - school council

Click here to download the spotlight visual. 

Opening: student council (10 representatives from each site, 30 students in total).

Opportunity: Student Council meetings are held with representatives from each class to discuss key issues that have been raised by pupils in their class. The student council has previously organised party food to celebrate specific events as well as put forward proposals for new equipment for the school. Student council reps have had the opportunity to discuss their ideas directly with school leaders.

Obligation: Child Friendly Leeds wish 3, 4, 5 and 10. 

Outcome: The student council has provided pupils with a platform to have their voices heard within school by ensuring a continual dialogue between students and staff/leaders.

It has given some pupils the opportunity to be a representative and spokesperson for their class.

Ownership: Springwell Academy Leeds

Springwell Academy Leeds - votes for schools

Click here to download the spotlight visual

Opening: weekly votes - 350 students.

Opportunity: To supplement the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural curriculum, all classes engage in a weekly assembly which covers a whole range of topics including current nationwide/global issues. Each week, pupils have the opportunity to vote in relation to that week’s vote topic. Their votes are forwarded on to relevant organisations to have their voices heard - these organisations will often then feedback their response in the following weeks.

Obligation: Child Friendly Leeds wish 3, 4, 5 and 10.

Outcome: Votes for Schools provides all pupils with a platform to, firstly, engage with key areas of the SMSC curriculum, but also have their opinions and voices heard on a nationwide scale. Some classes have even experienced their opinions being used and discussed in subsequent assembly resources.

Ownership: Springwell Academy Leeds

Penny Field School

Click here to download the spotlight visual.

Opening: school council (7 students)


  • Pupils meet every half term.
  • At each meeting two pupils chose to press the big mac switch with our school council song on. Students sign and sign the song.
  • Each students shares feedback from their class i.e. favourite thing about the school, and what they would like to happen in the school. Most classes are looking for more support with trips out in the community.
  • Resources mentioned such as new programmes on eye gaze, the sensory pod and toys for the celebration station.
  • Activities and fun day’s, pupils enjoy visitors coming to school.
  • Performances, animal visitors, sporting events (LUFC/Rhinos), Easter bunny etc were all noted as memorable events and pupils are looking forward to more of the same this year. Here are the minutes for the meeting

Obligation: Child Friendly Leeds wish 3, 6 & 7


  • Resources being bought
  • Virtual reality headsets for school. including a 12 week well being project for pupils from each class to use headsets and complete questionnaires before and after.
  • Classes accessed local park this half term.
  • One class visited ice skating rink on a school trip.
  • Planned events including Northern Ballet visit, Penny field’s got talent, easter/teddy bears picnic and a carnival.

Ownership: Penny Field School.

SEND Summit

The SEND Summit provides an opportunity for secondary aged student with SEND to come together to give their views and opinions on service delivery and development as well as finding out about services that are available to them.

The event is a great opportunity for students to meet others, hear about services, visit Leeds Civic Hall and make a difference!

2023/24 Event

On Tuesday 14th November 2023, 36 students from Green Meadows Academy, Brigshaw Partnership, John Jamieson, Oulton Academy and West SILC attended the SEND Summit at Leeds Civic Hall.

Students took part in the Short Breaks Review consultation; Child Friendly Leeds wishes consultation and Youth Activity Fund consultation as well as having the opportunity to visit service stalls to find out what is available to them in the city. 

Click here to read the event report. 

2022/23 Event

On Wednesday 2nd November 2022, 56 students from Bromfield South SILC, Rodillian Partnership, West SILC, John Jamieson, Oulton Academy, Green Meadows Academy and the Lighthouse School came together at Leeds Civic Hall for the first SEND Summit.

Students took part in a Children's Rights workshop, Health and Wellbeing consultation and Youth Activity Fund consultation as well as having the opportunity to visit service stalls to find out what is available to them in the city.

Click here to read the event evaluation report

Leeds Area SEND and AP Partnership Board Takeover

Each year students from specialist schools and settings takeover the Leeds Area SEND Partnership Board as part of National Takeover Challenge. The takeover is an opportunity for students to speak to board members about the issues that are important to them. 

The takeover is supported and facilitated by the Voice, Influence and Change Team. To find out more about the takeover email VIC@leeds.gov.uk 

2024 Takeover

On Tuesday 12 November 2024, 40 students from Broomfield South SILC, West SILC, Power House, Priesthorpe, John Jamieson, Bridge Church, Temple Moor and Green Meadows took over the Leeds Area SEND and AP Partnership Board as part of national takeover challenge.

The aim of the takeover was to:

click here to download the full takeover report

2023 Takeover

11 students from St John’s School, West SILC, East SILC and Future Horizons tookover the Leeds Area SEND and AP Partnership Board on Wednesday 22nd November 2023 as part of National Takeover Challenge.

Students consulted with 99 young people with SEND to find out which of the 12 Child Friendly Leeds wishes is most important to them, and to seek feedback about what we can do in Leeds to achieve this wish.

The top three wishes were shared with the board, and discussions took place about what could be done to work towards achieving this wish in Leeds.

click here to download the full takeover report

2022 Takeover

12 students from West SILC, East SILC and Broomfield South SILC tookover the Leeds Area SEND and AP Partnership Board on Tuesday 29th November 2022 as part of National Takeover Challenge.

Students from our specialist schools and the SEND Youth Forum have developed a resource for the teams and services to share information about the qualities they would like to see in the workers who support them in their everyday lives.

Click here to download the resource

Click here to download the full Takeover 2022 report

2021 Takeover

Five students from John Jamieson and three students from Green Meadows Academy took over the Leeds Area SEND and AP Partnership Board on Tuesday 30th November 2021 as part of National Takeover Challenge.

Students from West SILC tried to join the meeting virtually but due to technical issues couldn’t log on. The Voice, Influence and Change Team visited nine students at the Powerhouse, West SILC, on Thursday 2nd December 2021 to capture their views and input.

Students presented three asks of the board, the asks came from them speaking to other students in their schools and also members of the SEND Youth Forum. The 3 asks were:

  • Ask 1: A Careers Fair for young people with SEND
  • Ask 2: Fun Activity Taster Sessions
  • Ask 3: Playground Resources

Read our summary report to find out what students asked from the board, and how the board responded.


Compass House

In 2017; 102 students from across the SILCs took part in the Mark Your Mark ballot (largest youth consultation in the UK). From the ten issues the students collectively voted that a Curriculum to Prepare us for Life as the top issue for them. Students took over the SEND Partnership Board (previously Complex Needs Partnership Board) in November 2017 and spoke to the board about what a curriculum for life means to them and how they would like valuable work experience.

The Compass House work experience project was set up in 2018. With support from Leeds City Council, staff from specialist schools across Leeds supported students to come together to plan and open their very own pop up shop for one week during the month of December in Kirkgate Market. Students made all decisions about the shop (known as Compass House) including making all the products to sell.

Due to the success of the project in 2018, this has now become an annual event.

You can follow Compass House on facebook at CompassHouseLS. 

If you would like more information about the Compass House work experience project email VIC@leeds.gov.uk

Evaluation reports


Other Projects

Raising awareness of disabilities - a project by young people

We are excited to have launched our campaign: ‘Raising awareness of disabilities - A project by young people’ and now encourage you to share the key social media messages and awareness raising posters. The communications pack can, free downloadable posters and resources be found here

An exhibition was held at a unit in the Merrion Centre to view, hear and feel the emotions and understand more about hidden disabilities and how we as a city can make a difference. 

Background to the Project

Child Friendly Leeds, Leeds Youth Voice and Town Centre Securities PLC (TCS) partnered on a fantastic campaign to raise awareness of disabilities. This was based on listening to the voices of children and young people, ‘Everyone’s Included: the Leeds SEND and Inclusion Strategy’, the Child Friendly Leeds 12 Wishes and the project idea from our ambassador, TCS plc. 

 Wish number 12 for the city is: Leeds is an inclusive city for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Children and young people feel there is more awareness and understanding of different disabilities and that there are more activities and places to go that are accessible to all. 

In Autumn 2023, we visited five settings with art materials sponsored by Merrion Centre to understand what young people wanted to share. The five settings were John Jamieson East SILC, St John’s School, Horsforth School, Brigshaw Academy (16+) and the SEND Youth Council to find out what they would like to share with others about their disabilities, what makes them unique, and how we can make a difference. The sessions were extremely eye opening in which we collated fantastic art work, spoken words and the feedback from young people and the staff. We explored the themes, illustrations and drawings by the young people to design the campaign. 

Give it a Go Event, 6th July 2023

Students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) across Leeds have continuously shared with us how they would like the opportunity to ‘try out’ different sports, groups and activities available to them in Leeds.

Since 2012, Leeds has had a vision to be a child friendly city. 12 wishes were developed by children and young people across Leeds to highlight what their priorities are for Leeds as a child friendly city. The 12 wishes were refreshed in 2022, with one of the wishes having a SEND focus:

Leeds is an inclusive city for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities: Children and young people feel there is more awareness and understanding of different disabilities and that there are more activities and places to go that are accessible to all.

On Thursday 6th July 2023; 69 students with SEND in Leeds attended the Give it a Go event at John Charles Centre for Sport. The event gave young people with SEND the opportunity to try out different activities and sports that are on offer to them in the city, known as short breaks and fun activities.

On arrival at the event, each student received a Leeds Local Offer bag which included a pen, activity booklet that provided information about the activities and how to book onto them after the event and an accessible play spaces booklet. Information about activities available in Leeds and accessible places spaces can be found on the Leeds Local Offer website https://tinyurl.com/ThingsToDoLeeds

The event was funded by the Community Committees and delivered in partnership by the Voice Influence and Change Team, Breeze Leeds and Active Leeds.

click here to read the Give it a Go event summary report

For more information, please contact VIC@leeds.gov.uk