Many parents and carers of children in year 6 will be soon applying for high schools. Some families of children without EHCP's choose schools that are far away from home because they feel that the school would be able to better meet their needs than a school that is close to home.
Please see further information around transport eligibility in the Children's Transport Policy. The Children's Transport Team also refer to this information in the 'invitation to apply' letters that families receive from the admissions service.
The Children's Transport Team want to set realistic expectations for families. For travel purposes, Children's Transport advise that a family should apply for a school that is closest to them in terms of walking distance. If families choose a school that is further away, it may be parental responsibility to ensure that their child attends school. This is even if a parent or carer feels that a school further way may be able to meet the SEND needs of their child better than a school that is close to their home.
The Children's Transport Team advise that when a family is choosing a school, that the family thinks about how their child will travel there. In many cases, the council will not be able to support with home-to-school transport.
Please get in touch if you have any questions.
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