Mainstream Primary Schools

Information about mainstream primary schools in Leeds.

What is available may differ from school to school, but all schools have a legal duty to support children with SEND and make 'reasonable adjustments' for them.

This means adapting learning approaches and styles and/or physical resources and equipment to support your child to access their education, learn and make progress.

In Leeds, the majority of children with SEND will attend a mainstream school near to home. This enables children with additional needs to be educated alongside their siblings and other children who live in their community. 

The information that schools publish on their website about the arrangements that are in place for assessing and meeting the needs of children with additional needs will be key in helping parents make informed decisions.

Each school has its own set of rules that they use to decide which children to offer a place to. This is called their admissions policy. It is advisable to read the admissions policy for each of the schools you want to apply for. This will help you to check what chance your child has of getting a place.        

Parents of children with an Education Health and Care Plan have a right to express a preference for a setting and make an informed choice, in the way that all other parents do. 

If your child has a current Education Health and Care Plan you do not need to apply for a primary school place. Your child’s EHCP will name the primary school they will go to in September.

Detailed information on how to apply for a school place can be found at School admissions (