Healthwatch Leeds
Healthwatch Leeds provides an information service to help people understand and access health and care services in the Leeds area.
Their trained staff can help you to:
- Find out about health and care services near to you
- How to access the support and advice you need
- What to do if you have a concern or complaint
- Share feedback with us about services. This helps us see the bigger picture so that we can better influence changes in services.
Find out more: Advice & info - Your Healthwatch Leeds
Leeds Health and Care Partnership
Leeds Health and Care Partnership work with partners and the people of Leeds to help you look after your own health and wellbeing.
Find out more about your health and local services here:
Your health and local services - Leeds Health and Care Partnership
Healthier Together
Healthier Together is a community initiative that gives consistent, accurate and trustworthy healthcare advice to parents, carers, young people, and professionals.
Parents/Carers :: West Yorkshire Healthier Together
Or find out more at the Health Services in Leeds or Local Wellbeing Services sections on the local offer which provide links to services that Children and Young People with SEND frequently use.