Local Wellbeing Services

Information about wellbeing services in Leeds.

Wellbeing refers to our sense of self and our ability to live our lives as closely as possible to the way we want to. It encapsulates the abilities to have positive relationships, promote healthy living and feel life satisfaction.

Our sense of wellbeing is affected by how we might feel about something we do or the relationships we have – if something triggers positive emotions such as happiness or enjoyment.

Local Wellbeing Services

Mental health and emotional wellbeing

In Leeds, people are working together to improve the wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. This has been set out in a plan for Leeds called Future in Mind Strategy.

For further information on managing mental health and emotional wellbeing Leeds has a website for young people, their families and professional who support them this is called MindMate. The website it there to help you explore emotional wellbeing and mental health issues and offer information about where support is available. It was designed with young people, for young people to provide a central place for information.

For young people over 18 years old Mindwell is the mental health website for people in Leeds. The website can help you find information about support in Leeds and different ways to take care of your mental wellbeing.

Public health

Public health is about helping people to stay healthy and protecting them from threats to their health a range of resources can be found on their Leeds public health website.

Your Health and local services

Information on helping you to look after your own health and wellbeing can be found here.

West Yorkshire Healthier Together is a website developed by local healthcare professionals to help you decide where to find advice or treatment.

Getting active

Being active can protect you against low mood and anxiety, and can also help reduce the symptoms of depression.

We know that being active helps you

  • get better sleep
  • feel better about your body and yourself
  • take your mind off your worries
  • generate ‘feel-good’ hormones

Physical activity guidelines for disabled children and young people: UK Chief Medical Officers’ physical activity guidelines for disabled children and disabled young people: infographic (publishing.service.gov.uk).

Here are some useful links:

Get Moving - on the Mindmate website they have listed some free or low-cost activities, focused on young people, where you can expect a warm welcome from someone who really understands how to support you and your mental health 
Find out more here: Get moving - MindMate

Leeds Let’s Get Active supports people to become active through the provision of leisure centre and community sports and activities within a supportive and welcoming environment 
Find out more here: Home | Active Leeds.

Active Leeds run a disability and inclusive sports programme across Leeds, delivered by both Leeds City Council’s Active Leeds department and all key partners.

This includes children, young people and adults with any disability, and all ability levels. Click here for more information about the disability and inclusive sports programme.

Healthy living

People in Action work with learning disabled and autistic people to support happy, healthy and independent lives.

Find out more here: We Miss You, Come Back! (peopleinaction.org.uk)