14+ Academies - Leeds City College
In September 2013 Leeds City College opened the 14+ Academies (comprising of the 14+ Apprenticeship Academy and the 14+ P-TECH Academy).
Your young person would leave their current school and join from the start of Year 10 or Year 11. In smaller class sizes, learners complete a range of qualifications in English, Maths, Science, ICT, Business and a vocational subject for a full day per week such as Hair and Beauty, Food and Nutrition, Media Studies, Performing Arts, Health and Social Care/Childcare, Motor Vehicle and Public Services, Travel, Tourism and Aviation, or our IBM supported P-TECH course.
Learners also complete a personal development focused curriculum designed to prepare them for the world of work and adulthood including completing work experience. The environment, where young people are treated like adults and wear no uniform, treats learners like individuals whilst taking into account their needs and wellbeing.
Learners from the 14+ Academies make excellent progress into:
- Vocational technical courses within Leeds City College and beyond
- Secured apprenticeships with employers in the Leeds region
- Traditional sixth form offerings
If you would like to attend an open event or to find out more about the 14+ Academies, please visit our website.
- Address: Park Lane, Leeds, LS3 1AA
- Email: academies@leedscitycollege.ac.uk
- Phone: 0113 284 6493
- Main college website: https://leedscitycollege.ac.uk/14-apprenticeship-academy/
- SEND Information: https://leedscitycollege.ac.uk/the-college/equality-diversity-inclusion/