Thrive Leeds

Thrive Leeds runs activities for children, young people and their families and love to give space for them to gather together, find support and friendship, feel valued, and think through things that are important to them. Some of our activities involve exploring the Christian faith and some don’t.


Chapel Allerton Methodist Centre, LS7 4NB

  • Totally Tuesday (10 to 12 year olds) is from 6:45-8pm on Tuesdays in term time.
  • WOW (12 years old plus) is from 7:45-9:15pm on Wednesdays in term time.

Stainbeck Church, LS7 2PP

  • Messy Church (all ages) runs on the third Sunday of every month from 3:30-5:30pm with activities and a meal.
  • Drop In (11 to 13 year olds) is from 3:15-4:15pm on Thursdays in term time.

Contact details