School Holiday Provision

School holiday provision for young people with SEND.

Information about school holiday provision and activities in Leeds. 

School Holiday Provision

Fun Activities and Short Breaks Catalogue 2024-25

This catalogue lists in detail fun activities and short breaks currently available to children and young people aged 0-18 in Leeds.

click here to download the short breaks and fun activities catalogue 2024/25

If you would like your child to access a targeted short breaks / fun activity please complete the expression of interest form.

Healthy Holidays in Leeds

The aim of the Programme is to tackle the food insecurity and hunger, isolation and inactivity experienced by many children and young people during the school holidays.

The Healthy Holidays programme is principally for primary and secondary aged children and young people who are in receipt of benefits related free school meals, including those identifying as having a SEND. 85% of participants should be in receipt of benefits related school meals but there is flexibility to provide places for children and young people who are deemed otherwise vulnerable. The Programme runs during the end of term holidays but not during half term breaks.

The HAF Programme aims to enable eligible children and young people to take part in engaging and enriching activities which support the development of resilience, character and wellbeing along with their wider educational attainment.

Key elements of the programme include: 60 mins of physical activity; a nutritious, hot meal each session; nutritional education for children and families and signposting and referral opportunities for households involved.

Leeds Healthy Holidays aims to provide a wide range of enriching activities for children and young people, including, but not restricted to, arts & crafts, sports & games, gardening & harvesting, outdoor crafts, cooking activities and digital creativity.

We work with Leeds Community Foundation to administer third sector provision and centrally to commission schools and Leeds City Council provision. We are lucky to have multiple providers and varied provision in Leeds through schools, third sector organisations, Community Hubs and Breeze.

click here to visit the Leeds Healthy Holidays website

For questions or further information, please email

School holiday provision

Short breaks are activities for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) that enable them to have fun, spend time with friends and build their confidence and skills in a safe environment. Activities can last from one hour up to full weekend (residential) opportunities.

February 2025 
Residential provision 

Please contact the residential provider directly to enquire about the provision. confirm details. 

Herd Farm

Activity Information

Aireborough Supported Activities Scheme

Centre based activity days at Lineham Farm. 

Leeds Mencap

Holiday activity scheme for children and young people. A range of different activities such as baking, arts and crafts, messy and sensory play. 

Leeds Weekend Care Association 

Saturday playscheme for children and young peole with learning disabilities offering a range of fun activities including bouncy castle, a ball pool, adapted bikes and sensory equipment. 

  • Saturday 9.30am till 12.30pm and 1.30pm till 4.30pm
  • Age range: 5 to 13 year olds
  • Contact: 

You can find out more about short breaks and fun activities including contact details in the Short Breaks and Fun Activities Catalogue