
Raising awareness of disabilities resources

Below you will find resources developed by young people and organisations across Leeds to raise awareness of disabilities in Leeds. 


Resource - raising awareness of disabilities and how to support young people

The SEND Youth Council have worked together to create a booklet of various journeys and challenges of young people with SEND to help you help us!

The resource is not just about knowing how you can support young people, but to understand how we might perceive and feel during these experiences.

Click here to download the resource. 

For further information or any questions about the resource please email

Workers who support us - a resource for services developed by students with SEND in Leeds

Students from specialist schools took over the SEND Partnership Board on the 29th November 2022. Students spoke about the different workers who support them in the lives and what qualities they feel are important for these workers to have.

This resource has been developed by students from Broomfield South SILC, West SILC, East SILC and the SEND Youth Forum to enable teams and services to understand what qualities are important to young people for workers to have.

Ways you can use the resource:

  • share with colleagues
  • in the recruitment process
  • training for staff.

Click here to download the resource.

For further information or any questions about the resource please email

Understanding autism - a neurodiversity approach to supporting children and young people

How we define autism has changed significantly and conceptualisations are likely to continue to evolve over time. Myths as well as outdated and controversial theories, interventions and language persist and these can create barriers to effective and relational support for autistic children, young people, and their families.

In these films autistic author and researcher Kieran Rose (The Autistic Advocate) seeks to reframe the narrative around autism and provide up-to-date information, with a particular focus on autistic ways of being in childhood and adolescence. The videos are from a longer webinar which aimed to address the question: how can we build an evidence-informed understanding of autistic experience in order to improve practice, and importantly the wellbeing of autistic children and young people?

The films explore:

  • How concepts such as monotropism help us to understand autistic experiences.
  • Using a neurodiversity approach to ensure our practice and systems promote children and young people’s own capacity to be authentically themselves.
  • Autistic masking and burnout.
  • Using the double empathy problem to myth bust the trope that autistic people lack empathy.
  • How we can change a person’s environment, rather than asking them to change themselves.

click here to view the films. 

eLearning: communicating with young people with SEND

The Leeds SEND Youth Council have developed communicating with young people with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) eLearning for professionals across education, health, care and the third sector.

Time: 15 minutes

Aims: provide professionals with information and advice to support them to communicate with young people.

Supporting resources: