SEND and Inclusion Practice Framework

Information for professionals.

What do we mean by the SEND Practice Framework? 

The SEND Practice Framework is the vehicle for change within Leeds to support the implementation  of the SEND and Inclusion Strategy – it is the term used to describe our mechanism for the delivery of strong inclusive educational provision and resource to children and young people with SEND.  It primarily is aimed at education but can also bring together issues from health and Social Care. In line with the Early Help approach for care, it aims to provide support to children and young people as soon as concerns in educational engagement and progress emerge. 

The framework brings together all the parts of good SEND and inclusive practice.  It is a way to talk about the needs of children/young people that is person centred, embedded in our values and where possible tells the story only once.  

The SEND Practice Framework is a collaborative approach not a provision and relies on services working together effectively.

Why do we need it? 

As described in the SEND and Inclusion Strategy - in many ways we can be proud of our outcomes for children and young people in Leeds, however other outcomes in Leeds, like our numbers of fixed-term exclusions and the attendance at school of learners with SEND, are no better to those in other areas. Our learning outcomes for children and young people with SEND also appear to be less positive than those in other areas. 

Additionally parental satisfaction with the SEND system remains low, in addition many parents have little confidence in the mainstream school experience, the demand for specialist places within the city continues to grow.

As a city we must do more to provide the extra support that will give our most vulnerable children and young people, equal opportunities to do their best in learning  - wherever possible within mainstream education and have the skills for adult life.

From birth to adulthood children develop in different and similar ways within their families, with their peer groups and within their communities.  Parents regardless of their child’s needs, wish for similar outcomes; their child is safe from harm, leads a healthy and happy lifestyle, is successful at all levels of learning and is prepared for adulthood. They want them to have fun growing up and be an active citizen with voice and influence. These outcomes are reflected in the Leeds Children and Young people Plan 2023 and underpin the work of colleagues across services providing resource to children and young people.

If a child needs additional support to achieve this aspiration the communities around them need to understand their strengths, needs, aims and how to support them to succeed. 

Our values and beliefs:
  • The aspirations of children, young people and their families are at the heart of everything we do. 
  • Every child and young person has the right to access to quality education and success in learning. 
  • Inclusive practice benefits everyone.  An inclusive culture and ethos is essential to a Child Friendly City and improves strong outcomes for all.  
  • Every teacher is a teacher of SEND. Every leader is a leader of inclusion.  
Purpose and Scope 

Leeds is ambitious for its children and young people, with the aim of making the city truly child-friendly, and the best in the UK for children to grow up in. Central to this ambition is to ensure that all children, young people and their families in Leeds receive the help they need as soon as they need it from people they know already. We are committed to having the right conversation with the right person at the right time to ensure support is provided for those with SEND at the earliest point.

As described in the Leeds SEND and Inclusion Strategy our partners have told us that we need a more consistent ethos of, and commitment to, inclusion across all our learning places and services and that most children and young people with SEND should be able to learn and participate alongside their peers, in their local mainstream schools, settings and services.

To make this happen, we will work with schools, families, partners and stakeholders across agencies to ensure that our plans around the 3A’s ( attendance, attainment, achievement) and the 3 I’s (Inclusion, Integration and Individualisation) have impact and make a difference to lives of children and young people with SEND in Leeds. The Framework will support all schools, settings, and services to work together in a more integrated (joined-up) way, to provide consistent, quality approaches to identify and meet learning, health, and care needs, from the earliest time.

How are we putting it into Practice?

The SEND practice Framework is a way of working and approach taken with children young people and their families. It brings together all the parts of good SEND and inclusive practice across Leeds.  It is a way to talk about the needs of children/young people that is person centred, embedded in our values and where possible tells the story only once.  

It has common language, so we are all talking about the same thing in the same way. It gives guidance for good practice throughout the graduated approach.  

It provides a way of talking about practice in education for children and young people who have SEND and it supports us all to think about how we enable all CYP to achieve their potential

To support this we will  - 

Develop Culture and Practice to embed the Leeds Approach to SEND, building on work force development. Ensure our resources are deployed efficiently and effectively and continue to align education, health and care resources. We will ensure smarter and robust use of information derived from children, young people, their families and partners and stakeholders to improve outcomes. 

Examples of how we will do this - 

  • Sharing quality practice for CYP with SEN support needs as a way of integrating practice across services
  • Supporting a graduated approach to SEND to appreciate – assess - plan - do – review, by developing, sharing and promoting a tool kit for developing practice including links to resources and CPD.
  • Promotion and signposting to resources and teams to support
  • Work collaboratively across agencies to a provide robust a CPD programme for inclusion, based on feedback from partners and stakeholders.
  • Develop methods to quality assure practice, identify gaps and where further development is needed. Provide high support and high challenge to those working with children and young people and their families.
  • Provide a route for partners to develop their understanding of systems and processes
  • Have readily available and easily accessible information for parents and carers
  • Review and update practice guidance 
  • Ensure a continuous cycle of consultation and collaboration with Children, young people, their families and partners and stakeholders
  • Train and support providers to use a Person-centred Planning approach  ensuring that plans focus on meaningful outcomes.