The SEND parent carer support group network compromises of representatives from SEND parent / carers support groups in Leeds.
The Leeds Parent Carer Forum and the Local Offer and SEND Voice and Influence Coordinator coordinate the network.
Issues raised on behalf of parents and carers will be logged on the tracker and shared with the relevant service and Leeds Area SEND and AP Partnership Board.
Aims and purpose of network
- To hear from parents and carers about their experiences of SEND services.
- To hear from SEND service in Leeds.
- To promote and share voice and influence opportunities within the city for parents and carers.
- Review and develop the Leeds Local Offer.
How the network works
- Bi-monthly check ins with each individual support group representative to see how things are going and talk through what they are hearing directly from the families they are working with. Everything shared is added to the parent carer issues trackers.
- Three events a year for parent carer support groups to come together. We share what we have heard, hear from decision makers and more importantly focus on the outcomes and what the plans moving forward are.
If you are a member of a SEND parent carer support group and would like to become a member of the SEND parent carer support group network please email