What families have told us
- Application process not clear for families, and professionals not understanding the process.
- Long waiting times for assessment.
- Poor case worker communication.
- Case work officers lack of awareness of law and practice.
- Outcomes not consistent within EHCPs.
- Health and Care should be as equal as Education in EHCP’s.
- Children and young people are not involved in their plans and have a lack of understanding about them.
The local authorities and health’s future plans
Following an increase in demands on service and workforce challenges resulting in a drop in statutory performance, Leeds City Council commissioned a review of its current EHC assessment, plan and annual review processes to identify key opportunities for change. The review so far has highlighted areas for improvement in relation to the Council’s communications, processes, support provided and consistency in approaches.
Our aim is to implement changes and improvements, to help the Council achieve its vision, that children and young people in Leeds with SEND, have the best possible start to life and equal opportunities to learn.
The Children and Families Department will keep you updated throughout the process and this webpage will serve as an information hub about the changes.
- A review of end-to-end funding and assessment processes to decide how inclusion funding is issued in the future, in order to ensure legal compliance and move away from the existing dual process for assessment of need. With a single process for assessment of need agreed. Implementation of a new operating model and a transition of people and teams into new functions is predicted and will release capacity through improvements to technology and process, to enable a focus on value-adding effort.
- Investment in Educational Psychologists capacity.
- Additional capacity in SENSAP team.
- Embedding of Moderation process and scrutiny of EHCPs to ensure quality.
- Additional capacity within health to ensure timeliness and quality health advice for statutory assessments.
- SEND transformation programme to ensure timeliness around statutory assessments and annual reviews.
- Work to support join up between PEPs and EHCPs.
- Move towards a needs led approach rather than diagnosis.
- Bringing together EHCP and funding processes through SEND.
- SEND lead and SEND Coordinator employed by health to improve timeliness and quality of health advice for statutory assessments.
- Multiagency audits and identification of where processes can be improved across services for earlier identification of need.
- Further development of processes for electively home educated young people with an EHCP.