Youth Voice consultation and opportunities

Opportunities to have a voice and influence.

Information about live consultations and youth voice opportunities for children and young people to have a voice and influence in Leeds. 

Youth voice consultations and opportunities

Consultation surveys

The Big Conversation

The Big Conversation is a chance for children and young people to have their say about the issues that are important to England’s children.

The Children's Commissioner is really excited to hear what you think and to have the chance to share the stories of children and young people in this way, focusing on the issues that are most important to England’s young people including education, climate change, online safety, knife crime and housing.

Click here for more information about the Big Conversation, and to complete the survey.  

Share your thoughts on how to tackle violence locally

The West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership want to understand your perception of the causes of violence and the effect it has on the area, and what you feel should be done locally to prevent and tackle violence. 

The feedback they receive will inform and shape future delivery of services. 

Click here to complete the survey, or click here to complete the easy read version of the survey. 




Review the MindMate neurodiversity hub (survey)

Calling young people in Leeds who identify as neurodivergent!

  • Do you have a neurodivergent condition such as Autism or ADHD?
  • Are you 11 to 25 years old and live in Leeds?

MindMate are looking to review the neurodiversity hub, and would like your feedback to understand if the information is correct and easy to read. 

Click here to view the neurodiversity hub. 

survey link coming soon


Youth Activity Fund - survey

SEND Youth Activities Survey 2024

Community Committees need the help of young people in Leeds to find out what activities they should provide in local areas.


We are asking young people (under 18 years old) to complete a short survey to help Community Committees understand what activities young people like to do.


It should only take a few minutes to answer all of the questions and remember to click Finish to submit your response to us. The last day that you can respond is 31 March 2025.


Click here to complete the survey.


If you need to speak to someone about this survey then please email or telephone 0113 378 5808 


Share your views on the development of a National Youth Council (survey)

The British Youth Council (BYC) ran the National Youth Council for the UK until its closure in March 2024. 

The National Youth Agency want to work with young people and partners to help them become an independent charitable, whose sole purpose is to represent the views of young people to government and decision makers.

The National Youth Agency want your views on the future of a National Youth Council. 

Click here to complete the survey. 


Youth voice consultations and opportunities

Opportunities - sessions and groups to have a voice and influence

Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust Youth Board

The Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust Youth Board is for young people 14 to 24 years old who are interested in being involved in developing children’s services offered by Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust.

The Youth Board meet regularly to discuss ideas, give their feedback and develop new skills.

Contact Details: 

Having a voice in your school, local community and city wide (guides for young people)

Leeds wishes for young people to express their views, feel heard and be involved in decisions that affect their lives (have a voice and influence). 

The Voice, Influence and Change Team have developed guides to:

  • have a greater awareness of the ways you can share your views and ideas.
  • know how to influence change within your school and community.
  • have access to support and training to develop your skills and confidence. 

For more information about the information in the guides contact 

Voice and influence guides for young people