East SILC – 16 to 19 years old
The Post 16 programme of study at East SILC has a core focus that is driven by the intention to prepare our learners for adulthood, whatever pathway the students are accessing. Students access a curriculum that is designed and directed by themselves as well as other stakeholders such as parents, carers and staff through consultation at the beginning of each academic year.
Skills that students often identify they want to learn often include:
- Self-help and independence skills development through cooking, financial responsibility, off-site leisure activities, enterprise activities and developing their understanding of adult feelings and emotions,
- Physical / mobility development through off-site sporting / leisure activities
- Self-confidence through work–experience, internships, sports and physical activity, college link course opportunities and broader life experiences, such as residential visits and authentic adult opportunities.
Post 16 provision also includes a site at Brigshaw which some young people can access from Year 12.
Address: Hollin Hill Drive, Oakwood, Leeds, LS8 2PW
Email: info@eastsilc.org
Phone: 0113 293 0236
School website: https://www.eastsilc.org/page/post-16-phase