Requesting an EHC needs assessment

Information about requesting and EHC needs assessment

An Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment looks at a child or young person’s special educational needs (SEND) and the support they might need to help them learn.

Parents, carers, guardians, young people aged 16 or over, or professionals can request an assessment at any time. The process can take up to 20 weeks and may lead to an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Even if an EHCP isn’t agreed, the assessment can provide helpful advice to improve support.

Before applying, please read the important information and guidance below to help you complete the online form. You’ll also find links to the form and contact details for feedback or support.

Requesting an EHC needs assessment

Parents and carers

Parents, carers or other legal representatives of the child or young person can request an EHC needs assessment (under section 36 of the Children and Families Act 2014).                

To apply for an EHC needs assessment, complete the online education, health, and care needs assessment - parents and carers request form.    

We highly recommend that you read the important information and full guidance below as this will help you complete the online application form.  

Make a parent carer request. 

Important information to help parents and carers complete the online form

Save and resume later 

  • The form has been arranged so you can update it in stages, we encourage you to use the 'save and resume later' feature so that your pages are always saved, and you can come back to the application later.
  • Your application will be available for 28 days for you to complete it. 
  • If you are inactive on the online application for 20 minutes you will lose any information which has not been saved.   

Save or print a copy 

  • We recommend you save a copy of the form which you can do either before you submit the form, or after you click submit. You can do this by right clicking your mouse on the summary page and choose Print, then save as PDF.
  • Alternatively, you can select print from your browser options.  

Other useful hints and tips: 

  • You can edit the form by using the back button if you do need to change any information.
  • Text boxes have a character limit, and this is displayed under the text box.
  • You can attach any additional information in the evidence section at the end of the form. 

Declaration and consent  

  • By ticking the boxes, you will be providing your consent for any personal and sensitive information provided to be collected, used, shared and held by Leeds City Council specifically for the assessment of the child or young person.  

Information we will ask you    

  • Some contact details including address, phone number and email address (if you have one).
  • Your relationship to the child or young person. 

Information we will need about the child or young person  

  • Some basic information including their name, date of birth, address details, ethnicity and language and how the child currently communicates.
  • If at school, we will need the name of the registered school or place of education and how long they have been at their school. 

Special educational needs  

  • Special educational needs (SEN) are learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for children to learn, than most children of the same age.  

Medical and health needs 

  • You will be asked if the child has any known or possible medical or health needs that have not already been covered within the information provided in the SEN section. 

Care needs 

  • You will be asked if the child has any possible or known independence or care needs that have not already been covered within the information provided in the SEN section. 

What is working well and not working well 

  • We would like to understand more about what has led you to making this application. Tell us what is working well and not working well for the child or young person at the moment. 

We will also ask  

  • Views, interests and hopes for the child or young person.
  • Outcomes or goals you want to achieve and support needed to achieve them.
  • Why you feel that your child or young person needs or may need an Education, Health and Care Plan to support their SEN. 

Professionals you want us to contact    

  • On the form you can provide any medical or support therapists, social workers or other professionals or agencies that have supported the child or young person. 
  • If you decide to add the professional you will need to include an email address.  

Attach any evidence that would support your request    

  • You will be able to attach evidence of any diagnosis or other evidence from the last year to support your request. This could be medical reports, assessments, school reports and other documentation that will help support this request. 
  • You can attach up to 10 files, each file must be less than 10MB.  

Click here for a word printable version of the important information. 

Full form guidance for parents and carers request form

We highly recommend reading the full form guidance to help you complete the online request form. 

Hints and Tips:  

  • We highly recommend that you read the guidance below as this will help you complete the online application form easily. 
  • The form has been arranged so you can update it in stages, we encourage you to use the Save and Resume Later feature so that your pages are always saved and you can come back to the application later. 
  • Once you use the Save and Resume Later, your application will be available for 28 days for you to complete it.  You will need an email address to use this, if you do not have an email address you can find guidance on how to set one up here:
  • Please be aware that if you are inactive on the online application for 20 minutes you will lose any information which has not been saved. 
  • On the application text boxes have a character limit, and this is displayed under the text box. You can attach any additional information in the evidence section at the end of the application form.
  • We recommend you save a copy of the online request form which you can do either before you submit the form, or after you click submit, you can do this by right clicking your mouse on the summary page and choose print, then save as PDF. Alternatively, you can select print from your browser options. 
  • The new online parent/carer form has the following sections which you will need to complete when making an application.  
Main sections on the form 

Declaration and consent  

By ticking the boxes on the application you will be providing your consent for any personal and sensitive information provided to be collected, used, shared and held by Leeds City Council specifically for the assessment of your child to ensure adequate support is provided to meet their special educational needs, to measure outcomes for children and young people with SEN for local and national accountability and to develop and improve services and provision.  

Your contact details  

Your personal contact details will be needed including:  your telephone number and email address (if you have one).  

Your address details and your relationship to the child or young person  

Your Communication Needs   

The form will ask you if we need to contact you about this application to let us know about any communication or support needs that you may have. For example, having any written communications in larger text or spoken contact instead of written information.  

Child or Young Person Details  

Information about the child or young person including their name, date of birth, address details, ethnicity and language and how the child currently communicates.  

We will also ask you if we need to contact the child or young person, to let us know about any communication or support needs that they may have.  

School or Education Setting Details  

We will ask if your child is currently home-schooled or if they have no current registered place of education.  

If he child or young person is in school we will need the name of the registered school or place of education and how long they have been at their school.  

Information about the Child or Young Person’s Needs  

Legal test for assessment   

When applying for an Education Health and Care needs assessment, as the first step in seeking an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). There is a legal test, found in the Children and Families Act 2014 Section 36(8) that should be applied by the Local Authority.  

This test states:  

The local authority must secure an EHC needs assessment for the child or young person if, after having regard to any views expressed and evidence submitted under subsection (7), the authority is of the opinion that—  

  1. the child or young person has or may have special educational needs, and 
  2. it may be necessary for special educational provision to be made for the child or young person in accordance with an EHC plan.  

The next few pages of this form will allow you to provide information and evidence to show why you feel your child or young person meets this test.  

Special educational needs  

Special educational needs (SEN) are learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for children to learn, than most children of the same age.   

These needs can be different for every child and can often be within different areas of development, known as the Broad Areas of Need.  These include communication, learning, social, emotional and mental health and physical and sensory needs. A formal diagnosis is not required to be considered as having SEN.  

You could Include information about any needs or difficulties that you think your child may have in any of the areas, from school, about progress, about any support that they are receiving from school or any other agencies and any relevant information from assessments and reports.   

The Leeds SEND Information, Advice and Support service (SENDIASS) can provide additional information about SEN on their website and have some information videos on YouTube that you might find helpful. 


Medical and health needs  

You will be asked if the child has any known or possible medical or health needs that have not already been covered within the information provided in the SEN section.  

Care needs   

You will be asked if the child has any possible or known independence or care needs that have not already been covered within the information provided in the SEN section.  

What is working well and not working well  

We would like to understand more about what has led you to making this application. Tell us what is working well and not working well for the child or young person at the moment.  

Views, interests and hopes for the child or young person  

It is important that we know what your child thinks about this application and we would like to understand what is important to them and if there is anything that they would like to achieve or hope for in their future. If appropriate, you can write down what they say, or they can write or draw something that can later be uploaded to this application.  

Outcomes or goals you want to achieve and support needed to achieve them  

We would also like to know more about what you feel is important for the child or young person and what you hope they will be able to achieve in the future.  These are often referred to as outcomes or goals.  

Educational, Health and Care Plan 

 This section will ask you why you feel that your child or young person needs or may need an Education, Health and Care Plan to support their SEN.   

All children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, by law, should receive help and support in school that is additional to, or different from the support generally given to children the same age. This is known as SEND provision and is covered under the Graduated Approach.  

You could include information about why you feel that the support they receive under the graduated approach does not meet their needs, what you expect from an Education, Health and Care Plan and about any specific or specialised support that you feel they might need.  

Again, The Leeds SEND Information, Advice and Support service (SENDIASS) can provide additional information about EHCP applications and processes on their website and have some information videos on YouTube that you might find helpful. 


Professionals you want us to contact   

On the form you can provide any medical or support therapists, social workers or other professionals or agencies that have supported the child or young person.  If you decide to add the Professional you will need to include an email address. If you do not have this information then please select No to the question as you can provide this information later in the process.  

Attach any evidence that would support your request  

You will be able to attach evidence of any diagnosis or other evidence from the last year to support your request. This could be medical reports, assessments, school reports and other documentation that will help support this request.  

You can attach up to 10 files, each file must be less than 10MB. We accept word documents, pdf’s and images only. Documents with Black and white images are usually a smaller file size compared to documents with colour images. Please bare this in mind when uploading.  

To attach a file click on Add File and select the file you want to upload. You will see a list of attached files at the bottom of the page.  

If you have more than 10 items of evidence that you want to attach to your application, you can merge smaller documents together into a single PDF.  

If you have a paper copy of any evidence, you can take a picture of it and upload at the end of the form.  

Confirmation of your request  

If you would like a confirmation that your request has been submitted you will need to enter your email address.   

Check Your request  

On this page you can check if you are happy with your answers and the information you have attached.

You can edit the application by using the back button if you do need to change any information.   

You can also print your request by following the instructions on the page.  

Request Complete  

On this page you also have the option to print your submitted application, we recommend you do this as you will not be able to access this information after you have closed this screen.   

You will also see details of what happens next on your application.   

 If you have any issues completing the online form or need any further advice, please contact the SENSAP team on or call on 0113 376 0062.  


Click here  for the full form guidance for parents, guardians and carers downloadable word document. 


Self-request (young people)

If you are over the age of 16, you can apply for an EHC needs assessment (under section 36 of the Children and Families Act 2014). 

To apply for an EHC needs assessment, complete the online education, health, and care needs assessment - self-request form.    

We highly recommend that you read the important information and full guidance below as this will help you complete the online application form.  

Make a self-request. 

Important information for self-request (young people)

Save and resume later 

  • The form has been arranged so you can update it in stages, we encourage you to use the 'save and resume later' feature so that your pages are always saved, and you can come back to the application later.
  • Your application will be available for 28 days for you to complete it. 
  • You will need an email address to use this feature. If you do not have an email address you can find guidance on how to set one up on the Learn My Way website.
  • If you are inactive on the online application for 20 minutes you will lose any information which has not been saved.   

Save or print a copy 

  • We recommend you save a copy of the form which you can do either before you submit the form, or after you click submit. You can do this by right clicking your mouse on the summary page and choose Print, then save as PDF.
  • Alternatively, you can select print from your browser options.  

Other useful hints and tips 

  • You can edit the form by using the back button if you do need to change any information.
  • Text boxes have a character limit, and this is displayed under the text box.
  • You can attach any additional information in the evidence section at the end of the form. 

Declaration and consent  

  • By ticking the boxes on the application, you will be providing your consent for any personal and sensitive information provided to be collected, used, shared and held by Leeds City Council specifically for the assessment to ensure adequate support is provided to meet your special educational needs.  

Information we will ask you

  • Some contact details including address, phone number and email address (if you have one).
  • Communication or support needs that you may have if we need to contact you about this application. For example, having any written communications in larger text or spoken contact instead of written information.
  • If you are at school, or college or not attending a place of education.
  • if you are in school, we will ask you for the name of the registered school or place of education along with which year group you started at. 

Special educational needs

  • This section will ask you what your special educational needs are. 
  • If you would like to know more about Special Educational Needs, then the Leeds SENDIASS service can help you. You can visit their website:, email or call them on 0113 378 5020 and leave a voicemail for a call back.

Medical and health needs 

  • You will be asked if you have any medical needs which have not already been mentioned on the application. These are usually diagnosed by a health professional. 

Care needs 

  • You will be asked if you think you will need support from services to help you to be independent, look after yourself and keep yourself safe and well. 

What is working well and not working well 

  • You will be asked if you can tell us what you think is working well for you at the moment? You could include your strengths, what are you good at and what really helps and makes a difference for you. 

We will also ask

  • What your views, interests and hopes are.
  • About your outcomes or goals you want to achieve and support needed to achieve them.
  • Why you feel you would need or may need an Education, Health and Care Plan to support you.

Professionals you want us to contact    

  • On the form you can provide the contact details of anyone that supports you, or works with you that you would like us to speak to about your special educational needs.  
  • If you decide to add the professional you will need to include an email address.  

Attach any evidence that would support your request    

  • You will be able to attach evidence of any diagnosis or other evidence from the last year to support your request. This could be medical reports, assessments, school reports and other documentation that will help support this request. 
  • You can attach up to 10 files, each file must be less than 10MB. 

Click here for a word printable version of the important information. 

Full form guidance for self-requests (young people)

We highly recommend reading the full form guidance to help you complete the online form. 

Hints and Tips  

  • We highly recommend that you read the guidance below as this will help you complete the online application form easily. 
  • The form has been arranged so you can update it in stages, we encourage you to use the Save and Resume Later feature so that your pages are always saved and you can come back to the application later. 
  • Once you use the Save and Resume Later, your application will be available for 28 days for you to complete it. You will need an email address to use this, if you do not have an email address you can find guidance on how to set one here:
  • Please be aware that if you are inactive on the online application for 20 minutes you will lose any information which has not been saved. 
  • On the application text boxes have a character limit, and this is displayed under the text box. You can attach any additional information in the evidence section at the end of the application form.
  • We recommend you save a copy of the online request form which you can do either before you submit the form, or after you click submit, you can do this by right clicking your mouse on the summary page and choose print, then save as PDF. Alternatively, you can select print from your browser options. 
  • The new online self-request form has the following sections which you will need to complete when making an application.  
Main sections on the form  

Declaration and consent  

By ticking the boxes on the application you will be providing your consent for any personal and sensitive information provided to be collected, used, shared and held by Leeds City Council specifically for the assessment to ensure adequate support is provided to meet your special educational needs.  

Your Contact details  

Your personal contact details will be needed including: your telephone number and email address (if you have one). Your address details will also be requested.  

Your Communication needs   

The form will ask you to let us know about any communication or support needs that you may have if we need to contact you about this application. For example having any written communications in larger text or spoken contact instead of written information.  

School or Education Setting Details  

We will ask you if you are at school, or college or not attending a place of education.  

If you are in school, we will ask you for the name of the registered school or place of education along with which year group you started at.  

Information about Your Needs  

Legal test for assessment   

If you think that you might need an Education, Health and Care Plan, then the first step is to ask Leeds City Council for an assessment of your needs.  

This is known as an EHC needs assessment and the team that deals with requests for assessments and plans in Leeds is called the SENSAP team.   

When SENSAP get a request for assessment, the law says that they have to decide if they think that it meets two different questions, known as the legal test and this comes from a law called the Children and Families Act 2014 Section 36(8) .  

This legal test asks SENSAP if they agree that:  

  • You have, or you might have Special Educational Needs (SEN); and 
  • You might need an EHCP to provide the support to meet any needs that you have.  

The next few pages of this form will ask you for some information, to help the SENSAP understand more about you and about any special educational needs that you might have, so that they can make the decision about an assessment for you.  

Special educational needs  

This section will ask you what your special educational needs are.  

Special educational needs (SEN) are learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for children and young people to learn.  

These needs can be different for everyone and might include things such as: Communication, Learning, Emotional well-being, social skills, physical, sensory and Independence.   

If you would like to know more about Special Educational Needs, then the Leeds SENDIASS service can help you. You can visit their website, email or call them on 0113 3785020 and leave a voicemail for a call back.  

Medical and health needs  

You will be asked if you have any medical needs which have not already been mentioned on the application. These are usually diagnosed by a health professional.  This may mean you see a health professional or you take medications or use special equipment.  

Care needs   

You will be asked if you think you will need support from services to help you to be independent, look after yourself and keep yourself safe and well.  

What is working well and not working well  

You will be asked if you can tell us what you think is working well for you at the moment? You could include your strengths, what are you good at and what really helps and makes a difference for you.  

You will also be asked what is not working very well? You could include what could be better and if there is any support missing.  

Views, interests and hopes  

You will be asked what your views, interests and hopes are. 

We would like to understand what feels important to you and what you are hoping for, or would like to achieve in the future. For example, is there an activity you would like to be able to do or a job or skill that you think you might like.  

You could write or draw something if you prefer and later upload it to this application.  

Outcomes or goals you want to achieve, and support needed to achieve them  

We will ask you when you think about your future, are there things that you would like to achieve or work towards being able to do? These are sometimes called goals or outcomes.   

Educational, Health and Care Plan  

This section will ask you why you feel you would need or may need an Education, Health and Care Plan to support you. Include how this might be helpful for you and what are you hoping that it will bring or change?   

Professionals you want us to contact   

This section will ask for contact details of anyone that supports you, or works with you that you would like us to speak to about your special educational needs.  

You would need an email address if you wanted to add their contact details.   

Attach any evidence that would support your request  

You will be able to attach evidence of any diagnosis or other evidence from the last year to support your request. This could be medical reports, assessments, school reports and other documentation that will help support this request.  

You can attach up to 10 files, each file must be less than 10MB. We accept word documents, pdfs and images only. If you have more than 10 items of evidence that you want to attach to your application, you can merge smaller documents together into a single PDF.  

Documents with Black and white images are usually a smaller file size compared to documents with colour images. Please bare this in mind when uploading.  

To attach a file, click on Add File and select the file you want to upload. You will see a list of attached files at the bottom of the page.  

If you have a paper copy of any evidence, you can take a picture of it and upload at the end of the form  

Confirmation of your request  

If you would like a confirmation that your request has been submitted, you will need to enter your email address.   

Check Your request  

On this page you can check if you are happy with your answers and the information you have attached. You can edit the application by using the back button if you do need to change any information.   

You can also print your request by following the instructions on the page.  

Request Complete  

On this page you also have the option to print your submitted application, we recommend you do this as you will not be able to access this information after you have closed this screen.   

You will also see details of what happens next on your application.   

 If you have any issues completing the online form or need any further advice, please contact the SENSAP team on or call on 0113 376 0062.  


Click here for the full form guidance for self-referral (young people) downloadable word document 


The education, health and care needs assessment - professional referral form is now live. 

For further information about completing this form, as well as a link to the online form, please visit the Education, health and care needs assessments and plans page on LEEDS.GOV.UK.  

Help, advice and feedback

If you need help filling out the form or wish to discuss alternative formats, call the SENSAP team on 0113 376 0062 or email    

For impartial advice, contact the SENDIASS team at 0113 378 5020 or    

If you have any technical issues or wish to feedback on the online form, please email