Neurodiversity Information Hub

'Neurodiversity’ (ND) refers to the concept that there is a range of differences in the way in which people think about, interpret and interact with the world around them. Everyone’s brain is unique, and this affects how we perceive and react to what’s around us. It influences what skills we have, our abilities and our needs. 

‘Neurodivergence’ refers to brain types that are structured differently to the majority of brain types. Many different neurotypes fall under the neurodivergence spectrum, including, autism, ADHD, developmental language disorder (DLD), Tourette’s Syndrome, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and intellectual disability. People who are neurodivergent may or may not have a diagnosis of one or more of these neurotypes, and often they have characteristics of several different neurotypes. 

Having neurodivergent characteristics does not necessarily mean you or your child is autistic, or has ADHD, and whether or not you have a formal diagnosis should not affect your access to support. Support should be offered on the basis of your/your child’s individual needs. 

The neurodiversity information hub on MindMate is a reliable source of information about neurodivergence, including differences, strengths, challenges and recommended support strategies. 

The hub includes information and recommendations for your/your child’s school; information about diagnostic assessment processes where this might be helpful; and other services and sources of support that you might wish to access.