Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice Support Service.

Leeds Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice Support Service (SENDIASS) is a small team comprising a coordinator and 3 full time equivalent officers.

SENDIASS have a duty to provide information, advice and support to disabled children and young people, and those with Special Educational Needs (SEN), and their parents. They are a statutory service. They are free, impartial and confidential.

0-25 SEND Code of Practice 2015 Department for Education.

Leeds SENDIASS aims to provide equity of service across the city including early intervention regarding SEND support in schools through to information advice and support in statutory processes such as Education Health Care assessments and appeal, in an ever-increasing SEND population.


Local Offer SENDIASS

Contact details

Website: www.leedssendiass.co.uk

Email address: leedssendiass@leeds.gov.uk

Advice Line: 0113 3785020 please leave a message

Social Media : LeedsSENDIASS on FacebookInstagram and YouTube


The Leeds SENDIASS “Offer” is a menu of support which promotes independence and self-advocacy for parents and carers and young people.

The team in Leeds are trained to support, and work in partnership with parents so they can participate and make informed decisions about their child’s education.

The information, advice and support is impartial and provided at arm’s length from the local authority and ICBs (Integrated Care Boards).

The information, advice and support offered is free, accurate and confidential.

Click here to download the SENDIASS service offer document. 

Click here to download the SENDIASS service offer.


Information videos

SENDIASS Information Videos provide parents and carers and those working with children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities with step-by-step information on a range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities processes including information about Special Educational Needs Support, Education Health and Care Needs Assessment, Education Health and Care Needs Plans (EHCP), EHCP Reviews and SEND Tribunal Mediation and Appeal.

Click here to view the information videos.

Information for young people

Leeds SENDIASS information videos for young people provide information about Special Educational Needs and/ or Disabilities (SEND) processes, designed in consultation with young people in Leeds with SEND.

The videos provide step by step information about Leeds SENDIASS, include the Leeds SENDIASS service offer animation, information about the Leeds Local Offer and information about SEND processes including Education Health and Care Needs Assessments, Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) and EHCP reviews and new videos are added to the offer.

Leeds SENDIASS Young People SEND information videos can be viewed in our playlists on the Leeds SENDIASS You Tube Channel: Leeds SENDIASS YouTube.

SEND support - quick guide

SENDIASS have developed a quick guide video to SEND support. 

The videos are available in Urdu, Tigrinya, Romanian, Pothwari and Farsi. 

Click here to view the videos. 

EHC needs assessments and plans - quick guide

SENDIASS have developed a quick guide videos to EHC needs assessments and plans. 

The videos are available in Urdu, Tigrinya, Romanian, Pothwari and Farsi. 

Click here to view the videos.